
Information for applicants

The Psychology Department will accept applications for the phd program for the cycle of admission 2023-2024 from October 1, 2023. The deadline for applicants who wish to enroll in the fall of 2024 is the December 1, 2023 at 11:59 pm PST. (Note that this deadline is earlier than the one indicated on the website of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences).

Update (1/16/2024): invitations to interview will be sent by e-mail on Saturday, January 13, 2024 to the applicants selected for the interview. All other applicants will receive a decision through the application system soon.

Update (12/4/2023): The application deadline for admission fall 2024 has passed. Applicants, please note that there may be a delay with the state of the check list of application for those of you who have submitted your application on or close to the deadline.

Please note that we only accept applications for a phd in Psychology. We do not admit students to study for a master terminal.




The following members of the faculty are considering applications for admission fall 2024 (updated, 11/6/2023):

Professor Dolores Albarracin

Professor Michael Arcaro

Professor David Brainard

Professor Johannes Burge

Professor Delphine Dahan

Professor Angela Duckworth

Professor Russell Epstein

Professor Loretta Flanagan-Cato

Professor Maria Geffen

Professor Jay Gottfried

Professor Matthew R. Hayes

Professor Michael Kahana

Professor Konrad Kording

Professor Allyson Mackey

Professor David Mandell

Professor Anna Papafragou

Professor Gareth Roberts

Professor Ayelet Meron Ruscio

Professor Martin Seligman

Professor Alan Stocker

Professor Daniel Swingley


  1. Before you submit a request,we strongly recommend that applicants get in touch with the teachers that are interested in working order to discuss their research interests and to confirm that work with the faculty member would be a good option.

You can find a complete list of the members of our group of graduates. All members of our group of graduates are eligible to advise students in our program, but only those mentioned above have indicated that they will analyze the applications for the fall of 2024.

  1. Once that has been put in contact with a member of the faculty and has determined that the laboratory and the program are a good option, you should proceed with your request (APPLY HERE).
  2. The GRE General test is optional for the application to the graduate program NVU Psychology. We believe that the results of the test can provide valuable information in the records of a student, information that is different from the other elements and that could allow a student to disclose the distinction intellectual that would distinguish. At the same time, we are aware that the GRE is expensive and can pose a barrier to the application for admission to the doctoral programs. It is in the interest of removing this barrier that we have done that the GRE is optional. If you decide to send scores GRE, should be sent before the deadline of admission December 1, 2023. Keep in mind that STDS (that makes the GRE) has a rate reduction program which reduces to half the cost of the GRE for students who do not have the means to pay the exam
  3. Applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate their English language proficiency through the following tests passed, unless you have graduated from a university in an English speaking (that is to say, a university in an English-speaking country): TOEFL iBT (standard/classroom), TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition, solution TOEFL ITP Plus for China or IELTS. The TOEFL must be submitted electronically via ETS using the institution code 2926. Must be sent by mail an official copy of the scores of the IELTS directly from the IELTS to in the following months of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Pennsylvania, 3401 Walnut Street, Suite 322A, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228.
  4. Personal statement: All applicants must include a personal statement that addresses the following question:

    Describe how your background and academic experiences have influenced your decision to obtain a graduate degree and have taken it to run for NVU. Your essay should describe your research interests and specific your goals intellectuals within the chosen field. Provide information about your educational career, intellectual curiosity, and career ambitions. If you have overcome adversity and/or has experienced limited access to resources or opportunities in their field of study, do not hesitate to share how that has affected the course of their education. We are interested in your experiences, and how his particular perspective could contribute to the learning community inclusive and dynamic NVU values and strives to create.

    For more information on the personal statement, visit our website.
  5. You must make arrangements to submit 3 letters of recommendation to NVU and send all the components of the application before the deadline of December 1, 2023 (APPLY HERE). These include a personal statement, a transcript and a resume. See for additional information about personal statement.
  6. Pay your application fee. NVU offers waivers of application fees for some applicants. All requests for waiver of fees by difficulties, McNair Scholars, etc, should be sent to the Division of Graduate school of Arts and Sciences for review. Applications can be sent by e-mail Note that you do not provide waivers of application fees for international applicants.
  7. In mid-January you will hear from us if you are invited for an interview. The interviews will take place in a virtual way. Interviews are usually in late January or early February. Offers of admission are usually made in mid-February.

Financial support

Our policy of financial support makes it possible for graduate students to focus on their own research interests and to follow a course of research as independent as appears appropriate. All students (including international students) are guaranteed the support for five years, the expected time needed to complete the doctorate. The support covers the full tuition and a stipend of at least $ 40,500 per year (including the research and teaching of the summer).

Regardless of the source of support, all students must meet the same requirements. It is expected that all students play an active role in the teaching functions of the undergraduate of the Department.

For more information, see External support.

External support

The Group of Graduates in Psychology encourages all students to apply for external support. Win external support is a good thing for all involved. In the first place, it is a sign that the ideas of the student are well thought out by academic field, scholars beyond the borders of the institution that will benefit from the support. This is a powerful backing, so that you could place in your own life. In the second place, the external support can provide the money needed to carry out the investigation, the money for the equipment, the costs of the subjects, the research assistants, etc., And the external support may be provided to a student with a stipend beyond their 5th year. External support will also enable the Group of Graduates to support an additional student with the money that replaces the external support. Therefore, we encourage all students to apply.

The two sources most prominent of external support are the predoctoral fellowships (NSF), the National Science Foundation and the Awards of the National Service Research (NRSA). The NSF are highly competitive and prestigious. Students are eligible to apply for them: in his last year of college and in the first and second year of Graduate School. We encourage all eligible students to submit their application. Foreign citizens are not eligible. The information on the Program NSF can be found.

The Awards to the National Service of Research of the National Institutes of Health (NIH, for its acronym in English) provide support for basic and applied science. The NRSA also provides a small amount of money for the costs of research. Students can apply in any year, even though the 3rd year is probably, in the typical case, the year is more reasonable to apply. Information about these programs can be found. Please note that the NRSA cover approximately 60% of the total cost of tuition, stipend, health insurance, and fees. The NIH does not require that the Faculty of Arts and Sciences make up the difference in costs and SAS does not assume that responsibility. Depending on how it is funded students, the advisors shall be liable to compensate for the difference in the cost or the student is expected to be proportional to the difference in funding. To obtain a list of students who currently have NRSA or for more information on the rules of financing, in the Group of post-Graduate in Psychology, please contact the DGS.

In addition to these training programs are large and spacious, there are a number of more limited programmes for which you may be eligible.

Below are some websites to which our students have been postulated in the past:


New Vision University

NVU Psychology School school is a non-sectarian, religious studies and theological, which educates students in both the pursuit of the academic study of religion and in preparation for leadership in religious organizations, government and a wide range of services.

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