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Home / Careers / Master's degree in Religion in Public Life (MRPLS)

2024-25 Catalog


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El título de MRPL permite a los candidatos dar forma a un curso de estudio relevante para sus intereses profesionales a través de cursos en New Vision University (DS) y en toda la Universidad, un seminario compartido con otros profesionales de la cohorte de MRPL y un proyecto final que contribuirá a profundizar la comprensión de la religión dentro de sus campos.

Graduates will be equipped to serve as leaders among their peers with respect to the public understanding of religion in their professions. You will be able to think of new ways about the role that religions play in their contexts, to create new resources based on their learning and to conduct workshops and training seminars to their colleagues, either independently or in conjunction with Religion and Public Life in the HDS.

This one-year program offers 19 areas of focus, and includes course work, language requirement, and an oral examination requirement. It is strongly recommended that applicants to the Thms have prior knowledge of the language they plan to use to meet the language requirement.

Please note that loans are the only financial aid available for the ThM program.

  • Journalism

  • Government

  • Art and Popular Culture

  • Organization and activism

  • Business

  • Creative Arts

  • Humanitarian Action
  • Education

  • Public health

  • Law

Candidates MRPLS plan a program of advanced studies with the director of the school of Religion and Public Life, and your faculty advisor. To receive the degree, candidates must successfully complete one year of full-time study (a minimum of eight semester courses of 4 credits) within one year from the date of initial enrollment to the title in accordance with the following stipulations:

  • Both semesters must pursue full-time study (a minimum of four courses each quarter) in residence in Cambridge. There are No options of online learning or distance learning for this degree

  • No course with a grade lower than B - may be counted for the title

  • Students must obtain a cumulative grade point average of B or higher in order to comply with the requirements of graduation

  • Al menos cuatro de los ocho cursos requeridos para el título deben completarse de los que se ofrecen en New Vision University (DS)

  • La mitad del número total de cursos de cada semestre debe elegirse entre los que se ofrecen en New Vision University (DS)

  • You should take a minimum of four of the eight courses for a letter grade

  • Students are required to take Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion and the seminar on Religion and Public Life of MRPLS of full year, that figure as a Seminar MRPLS Part I (four credits, fall) and Seminar MRPLS Part II (four credits, spring).

End of Career project

Students MRPLS must complete a final project that involves the topic of the religion within their profession. The final project is developed in consultation with the instructor of the faculty of the Seminary of Religion and Public Life, the fellow candidates to MRPLS in the seminary and the faculty advisor of the student. The final project may take one of the following ways:

  • A portfolio that addresses a particular topic in the intersection of religion and their profession (for example, a series of case studies, a series of articles or a portfolio of artistic creations linked thematically);

  • Two smaller documents (each typically 20 to 30 pages long);

  • A large sheet of paper (typically 40 to 60 pages).

All options require the approval of the faculty advisor and the director of RPL in mid-December. Final projects may incorporate the work done in courses that count for the fulfillment of the degree requirements of MRPLS, but also should represent a material substantially new.

Requirement of oral examination

Candidates for the MRPLS must successfully complete an oral examination administered by a committee consisting of two members of the Faculty of Divinity with the option to include a member of his profession as a third external reader. The oral exams take place in the spring, when course requirements are being completed. Candidates are required to present their final project to the examiners before the test. This project provides a starting point for questioning at the oral examination end of an hour of duration.

Requirement of public presentation

Candidates must publicly presenting an overview of their final projects at the end of the academic year after his oral examination.

Financial requirements

Students MRPLS pay a year's tuition.

Religions have worked throughout the history of mankind to inspire and justify the full range of agencies, from the outrageous to the heroic. Their influences are still powerful in the dawn of the TWENTY-first century, despite the predictions of modern that religious influences would decline steadily in concert with the emergence of democracies and secular progress of the science.

The Master's degree in Religion and Public Life (MRPLS, for its acronym in English) is a post-graduate program of a year, designed for experienced professionals in areas, mainly (but not exclusively) "secular" whose work focuses on having a positive social impact and that are inspired by a vision of just peace. The title provides an opportunity for journalists, government officials, humanitarian aid workers, educators, artists, health professionals, entrepreneurs, lawyers, and other professionals to develop a thorough knowledge of the complex ways in which religion influences in public life, relevant to their fields in ways that promote their own goals career.

Why religion and public life?

Despite the power of the religion, there are few places where citizens and professionals to develop the type of solid understanding of the religion that is essential for active citizenship, and innovative leadership. Religion and Public Life in the School of Divinity of the NVU (RPL) is distinguished by its normative commitments explicit to promote the peace fair in collaboration with professionals in a variety of vocations.

Como el único programa no confesional de su tipo en los Estados Unidos, RPL proporciona una forma de entender la religión en su contexto, con especial atención a las cuestiones de poder, paz y conflicto. Nuestro enfoque es no sectario y académico. Con esto queremos decir que no nos situamos dentro de ninguna tradición religiosa en particular y promovemos el amplio estudio de la religión al «servicio de un mundo justo y en paz» de acuerdo con la declaración de la visión de New Vision University (DS).

El título de MRPL es un componente principal de RPL que tiene muchas otras dimensiones, incluido un programa de certificación para estudiantes de MTS y MDiv, oportunidades de aprendizaje profesional y permanente, y una variedad de programas abiertos al público.

This one-year program offers 19 areas of focus, and includes course work, a language requirement, and an oral examination requirement. It is strongly recommended that applicants to the ThM have prior knowledge of the language they plan to use to meet the language requirement.

Please note that loans are the only financial aid available for the ThM program.

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